If you eat jerky you've experienced the looks and snide remarks about jerky being terrible tasting, tough to chew and flavorless trucker grub. Growing up I heard it all, but I was lucky to have been eating homemade jerky and lots of venison jerky. Soft, moist and flavorful every time so I never understood the stigma.
Once I tried some store bought jerky I immediately understood and swore off jerky unless it was homemade. Well, that did not work for me as I kept giving it another chance by always trying new jerky brands I would find. Well, I found a jerky that is just as good (better) than the stuff we made at home.
My wife and I purchased Smokehouse Jerky Co. almost two years ago when we tasted the jerky for the first time. Since that time it has been a whirlwind of activity and exponential growth.
Jerky, or I should say some of it, has evolved into superior products that standout in a very crowded space. Small batch, gourmet jerky is becoming the norm and easier to find. Used to be you had to hunt it down and sometimes find exactly what you want where now you can get it almost everywhere.
We recommend, to everyone, they try new brands on the market or at least brands you haven't tasted before. Look for the higher quality products made with good beef from America and an ingredient panel you can pronounce. Search for the flavors you would like to see in a jerky and you just may find exactly what you want. If not, someone will be making it soon enough.